Friday, 2 March 2018

Week 0

My Best Piece of Creative Work

Harris Park Station Redesign

This is a small glimpse of a major project that I did during HSC for Industrial Technology Graphics. It was about modernising an old train station located right next to Parramatta so that it could fit in with the major developments occurring in Parramatta. It was also redesigned to increase the frequency of trains that stop at Harris Park by making it more popular as a suburb so the locals would not have to walk to Parramatta to catch a train. This project required many architectural skills (research, design, time management, CAD softwares and etc) some of which were learned in previous years and others during the project. My final submission consisted of a portfolio, large A2 panel, animation, presentation drawings and working drawings. The portfolio showcased my budget, time management, research (station standards, site analysis, precedents and etc) and the development of my design. The idea of not just designing to meet a client's requirements but also making it aesthetically pleasing through delicate forms and structures whilst  communicating it in many ways is what I found interesting about architecture. This concept is what inspired me to learn more about architecture.

A Great Piece of Architecture

To me a great piece of architecture is a structure that shows me the amount of thought that was put into it. This can easily be seen in any unique delicate forms (not necessarily buildings and houses). Here is a great example:

Staircase designed by Grimshaw for AMG Design
This staircase represents AMG Designs's manufacturing capabilities as well as creating a major focus towards the entrance of their store. It easily grabs our attention because of the way light has been utilised into complimenting the form of the structure. It is constructed of glass threads that are placed between a series of steel cables which are pressured in small arcs. This allows us to view through the structure. The threads and cables are placed in such positions to create what is known as the moiré patterns (interference patterns) that change based on the viewers location. This level of thought that was put into its design is what makes it such a unique structure and a great piece of architecture.

Original Photograph of Something Beautiful

Here is a photograph that I took of the sky on my way back home from school. It looks like clouds surrounding the sun which I thought was really cool. It reminded me of a Black Hole (light surrounding space) but complete opposite. 

It's a light hole :)

It also looks like angelic wings protecting the light which is also what makes it so beautiful.

Client Number 1 - Gucci 

Noun: Halo
Verb: Curve
Adjective: Elegant

Client Number 2 - CJ Hendry

Noun: Paper
Verb: Scrunch
Adjective: Crumbly

Client Number 3 - Revival 
Noun: Metal
Verb: Zoom
Adjective: Pointy

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